Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I'd been having a lot of trouble getting my web site uploaded. It was really, really stressing me out. I took a web design class about two years ago, but we didn't really work with Dreamweaver, my web design tool, as much as we did with outdated software. When I'm in Dreamweaver, I'm usually at a great disadvantage, trying to guess my way through it.

It meant a lot to me to take the web design class so I would be able to have more control over my small Reiki business and how I presented myself to potential and current clients. I'll never be a professional web designer, but I know enough to keep my business going and to talk to people who know more than I do--in other words, I ask for professional help and gladly pay for it when my business needs it.

I'm writing about this because this has been an undercurrent of anxiety for me as I begin my career as an OCOM student. I've wanted to continue working with clients, but not at the expense of my schooling. It's been a balancing act and the web site updates felt like a necessary part of smoothing out the transition for me and my clients.

I know all of this work on my Reiki business will someday translate into how I run my acupuncture business. I think our Community Outreach teacher, Jason Stein, said that running a business is like having a relationship. You have to put as much work into it as you would with a spouse, child, or friend.

I really want to thank my dear friend, David Martin. He runs NolaFlash in New Orleans. He hosts my site and generously and kindly talks me through my mishaps with web snafus. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him.

I guess the lesson is that we're all training to become medical professionals. We'd hope that our patients would come to us with their ailments before sticking themselves with needles, or concocting their own herbs. I think, if our businesses is ailing, or needs a little boost, it's necessary to call in professionals. Wouldn't you do that for the other relationships in your life?

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