Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yoga and Qi Gong with Uma!

My classmate, Uma, has put together a free yoga class for everyone on campus. We'll also be doing Qi Gong at the beginning of the sessions.

From Uma:
Monday - yoga/movement/qigong from 11:30 to 12:50 in room 3
Wednesday - 2:40-4  in room 3
Friday - 10am to 11:20 in the Annex

Starts Wednesday the 29th but we won't be meeting the 31st (this Friday). Also, we decided to try to do Qigong for the first 20 minutes of each class (fulfilling the 60 minutes a week outside of class). Hope to see you all and please pass along the word.

Big thanks to Uma for putting this together.

This flu thing was really knocking it out of me. I made an appointment at the clinic yesterday. When the needles went in, it really hurt in some spots. The qi was definitely blocked. But then, my chest and sinuses opened up and I took a deep breath. I hadn't realized how much I hadn't been breathing. No wonder I was exhausted.

They also gave me some granules (ground herbs) to drink 4 to 5 times a day. I am feeling much, much better. It's so good to be so well taken care of.

I'm looking forward to points class today. Reading the text has left me really confused. I have to stop reading at certain points, take a deep breath, and remind myself that it will all make sense eventually. I learn best through doing. Today we'll actually find the points on one another. Hopefully, something will click in my head.

That click moment happened yesterday in Qi Gong. I know that doing a Qi Gong practice really benefits you but I didn't understand on a body level how it applied to medicine. I was able to stay in class for a half hour yesterday before my clinic appointment. Just that little time in class helped me to feel better than I'd felt all day.

I felt an aha! moment in my body. If I do this practice, I'll stay healthier, more focused, and grounded. Nice.


  1. E-
    I get to feeling the same way when I'm reading... Breathe and it'll click eventually!

  2. As you know, I LOVE QIGONG! It works so well with Reiki, and keeping us sensitives in balance. YAY ELYN! Glad you are feeling better, too~
