Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Week!

Welcome to the Quest for Quan Yin

I wanted to come up with something clever for the title of this blog. Being a student of acupuncture, I've heard plenty of jokes already about needling, pricking, etc. Everything that immediately came to mind seemed a bit lewd.

For inspiration, I looked around my study area. There is a picture of Dr. Usui, the founder of Reiki, a large painting of Sarasvati, a statue of The Virgin of Guadalupe, a candle representing Erzuli, a statue of Arch Angel Michael, and a picture of Quan Yin. Am I a sancreatic/eclectic witch? Yep.

As a wiccan, I dedicated myself to the Goddess of Compassion, Quan Yin, about 15 years ago. I had no idea at that time that I would eventually become a student of Chinese medicine. So in honor of full circles, beautiful leaps of irony, and the medicine itself, I launch this blog. Welcome!

I intend to record my personal journey of discovery, share my excitement about the medicine, and document the goings-on of my new community at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM). 

Statue of Quan Yin from the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art
For today's adventure in my studies, I went to visit my general practitioner, Dr. Chang. She's an allopathic (Western) doctor but is very supportive of my studies. I had to get a tuberculosis test and my first shot for the Hepatitis B vaccination.

I stay away from flu shots because vaccines tend to make my MS symptoms flare up. But I figure that catching Hep B would really compromise my immune system so maybe a few days of discomfort from the vaccine won't be such a bad thing.

The shot hurt! But I was brave, y'all!

I rushed home from the doctor's office just in time to walk down to the campus clinic for my acupuncture appointment. Sometimes when I have acupuncture, the needle hits a sensitive spot and I yelp or jump. After getting the Hep B shot, the acupuncture needles barely registered.

I have two more Hep B shots to go--one in a month and another five months after. It feels good to have that marked off my list.

Today, I have my first points class. I'm excited and nervous. I have this underlying fear that I'll be so overwhelmed by all this new information that my brain will just lock down and not retain any of it.

So, I breathe, play with my dog and cat, and I laugh loudly with my friends and boyfriend. It helps.


  1. Yay! I am so excited for you! I am also so grateful that I'll be able to keep up with your journey in this format, too~

    We share our dedication to Quan Yin... I have given my life to both Quan Yin and Jesus and it seems like a compatible match so far; my own Reiki healing team with compassion at the heart. LOVE YOU!

  2. Congratulations on your first post of many to come.

  3. I'm so happy you won't be neglecting the writer in you as you learn Oriental Medicine! <3
